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Christmas Market 2022

A big thank you to everyone who came to support our Student Enterprises during the JA Quebec Christmas market!

We want to especially thank our young entrepreneurs for their involvement as well as their mentors, their teachers, our dedicated volunteers, our financial partners and Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf!

We are proud to announce a global sales revenue of $5136. The YouniQ Student Company won the prize for the best kiosk at the Christmas market! AirNet comes in second place, Nonstop Pops and Quotidie are tied for third place. The prize for the favorite product goes to the company Nonstop Pops, which sold cake pops! The company YouniQ comes in second place and the AirNet company in third place. The company Allure wins the competition for the most sales with a revenue of $1,260. In second place, YouniQ with a revenue of $540 and Skeez in third place ($490). Furthermore, the NonStop Pops company has the best sales by quantity with a total of 74 units sold. Congratulations to all the teams and thank you all for your participation!

Photos: Studio Reno & fils